Monthly Archives: March 2020

School of Leaders – March 2020

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We ARE – – the Fantastic Four!!

Does God give us superpowers?  Yes, if we let Him!  Along my Cursillo Journey:

  • He stretches me . . . . to do things I never wanted to do, to go places I never asked to go.  I am not a natural leader – but He’s led me to deliver Rollos, serve as Rector, chair the School of Leaders, take active roles in the Parish Ministries and the Knights of Columbus, and to meet people I never would’ve encountered – especially Jesus!  Reed Richards, Mr. Fantastic
  • He makes me burn with the joy of faith . . . to evangelize, to share the witness of my life, to light up my moveable square yard, to keep those around me on fire!  Johnny Storm, Human Torch.
  • He gives me strength . . . .  makes me a rock, enables me to do things beyond my own power.  Ben Grimm, The Thing
  • He provides an invisible force . . . .  the power of prayer – to persevere on the Journey, to act without drawing attention, to protect those I love, to do things that only the Holy Spirit can do and only the Holy Spirit can know.  Sue Storm, The Invisible Woman.

The Fantastic Four had to work as a team to defeat Dr. Doom.  What powers has God given you?  Are you letting your superpowers work to bring Jesus to your world and defeat doom?

Fortunately, there are more than four of us – our School of Leaders will meet on April 14, May12, and June 9 at 7 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Parish in Freeburg, IL.   Please join your fellow Leaders in faith!  (And, with any luck, this could be my last column – you’re freeeee!!)

Romans 1: 12:What I mean is that both you and I will be helped at the same time, you by my faith and I by yours.”

De Colores and Peace!

John I Schaberg

Lay Director – March 2020

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The School of Leaders and the Secretariat have finalized plans for our next Cursillo.  Both the Men’s Cursillo and the Women’s Cursillo are scheduled for October 22 – October 25, 2020, at the King’s House.  For a number of reasons, we have decided to have both the Men’s Cursillo and the Women’s Cursillo in the same place and at the same time.  We have had many lengthy discussions and reviews of the Cursillo schedule and the King’s House venue to determine if it is feasible to host both of the Weekends at the same time and place while maintaining separation between the Men and Women.  The conclusion is that, with the help of the Holy Spirit along with careful schedule planning and cooperation between the Rector and Rectora, we will be able to successfully hold both Cursillos.

Many of our current volunteers are completing their terms of office in the near future.   We have already had several recent changes.   Cheryl Rajski has replaced Laura Veach as the Precursillo Chair, and Margie Reaka will be taking over the School of Leaders from John Schaberg.  I would like to thank Laura and John for their contribution to Cursillo during the past three years.  I would also like to thank Margie and Cheryl for saying “yes” and accepting the challenge to manage two important Secretariat Chairs.  Changes are in the works for other Cursillo positions which will be announced in the next few weeks.  

We also have a small group working to improve and standardize our Cursillo formation practices. In a search for best practices, we are also reviewing Cursillo formation practices from other Region IV dioceses and considering them for adoption.   This effort should improve how our teams prepare for our annual Cursillos.

I hope everyone is having a very prayerful Lent and is looking forward to Holy Week and a wonderful celebration of Easter. 

De Colores!

Bob McCormack

Spiritual Director – March 2020

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“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”  – Deuteronomy 31:8

At this time and place we find ourselves in the midst of great uncertainty!  Uncertainty over the Coronavirus and its impact on our health and that of those we love.  Uncertainty over school closings, business failures, loss of employment and income, and changes in our lives we could not have envisioned only a short time ago.  But of all these, as Catholics, the suspension of the celebration of the Eucharist in the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is perhaps the starkest reminder of the situation in which we find ourselves. 

What are we to take from the events of these past several days?  We call on our faith in all things, this is ever important now.  Our Spiritual Works of Mercy can be a comforting help in time of trouble and fear.  Two of them in particular come to mind, “Comfort the Sorrowful” and “Pray for the Living and the Dead.”  These are things we can do: 

  • Lend a listening ear to those who are worried or fearful over the unknown of COVID-19;
  • Write a letter or send a card to someone who is suffering (instead of grouping write Palanca to your group mates and others);
  • Keep a list of prayer intentions, writing down the names of those you are keeping in your prayers;
  • Ask a friend or family member if there is anything you can pray for them about;
  • In prayer, entrust your cares and concerns for those around you to God

A few moments of your time may make a lifetime of difference to someone who is coping with uncertainty.  Spiritual works of mercy lead us to piety, and must sustain us now.  They are a reflection of grace given and faith lived through concrete actions out of love for God and neighbor. 

Then, when we return to the table of Our Lord, we will do so with an increased yearning for that which sustains us all the more – the source and summit of our Christian lives – The Precious Body and Blood of Christ.  He has not left us! 

While we are temporarily unable to receive Him in Sacramental Communion, we may make an Act of Spiritual Communion, as follows:

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things and I desire to receive You in my body,

my soul, and my whole being.

Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally,

Come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as if you were already there

And unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Dear Lord, Hasten the day we return to Your Altar.

De Colores!

Deacon Wayne