Lay Director – September 2015

Dear Brother and Sister Cursillistas;

I have spent a good amount of time praying over and wondering what to write to you about concerning our lives of “Christ Counting on each of us.” Needless to say, considering that we currently have one man and one woman as candidates for our upcoming weekends, the idea of evangelization comes to mind most frequently.

We’ve all enjoyed a wonderful vacation this summer, and the weather hasn’t been so bad. Now is “Harvest Time,” the time to turn around and get busy working to harvest souls for our God of Love. Have you made some new friends, gotten some new neighbors, or parishioners? How about those who have journeyed through the RCIA, and most importantly do these friends know that you have made a Cursillo? Pick up the pace of your new friendships and bring these friends to Christ through the Cursillo.

I recently listened to a Lighthouse CD titled “Evangelizing Catholics” by Dr. Scott Hahn. It is so interesting that evangelization has been the theme of every Pope since Vatican II. Two years ago the Church was to have been dedicated to a “New Evangelization” but I, for one, failed to see much action from this effort. Perhaps that is the fault of we lay people. We can’t sit around waiting for our priests and bishops to lead us by the hand. Remember go forth and – Be a Friend – Make a Friend and Bring that Friend to Christ.

Our Cursillos are for our Catholic brothers and sister. However, we should also have an ecumenical spirit to our friends of other faiths and guide them to programs of renewal, if these are available, or at least guide them through the process of conversion in their lives to bring them closer to the love which Christ has for each of them and us. One never knows when they are talking to one of our next converts.

Ultreya (Onward), Nick Lang