Spiritual Director – March 2015

From Fr. Gary Gummersheimer:

Most of you, if asked, could probably answer the question of what is the preamble to the US Constitution. But how many of you could tell me how the Declaration of Independence begins? The answer: “When in the course of human events…” Now why would a spiritual director begin his remarks with something such as this? The simple answer is that “human events” over the last several months have reminded us that we still have a long way to go in making this world we live in a reflection of the Kingdom of God.

The random and brutal slaying of so many, especially the Coptic Christians, by ISIS; the killing of media people in France; the slaying of young black men in this country; all of which leads us to realize that we still have a lot of work to do if we are going to change our environments to reflect the love of Christ Jesus. On this last issue, if you have not read Bishop Braxton’s letter on racism, I would highly encourage you to do so. I believe that it is one of the best articles that deal with that issue, which unfortunately is still very much a part of who we are in this country.

So, with what is left of this Holy Season of Lent, use it to ask our gracious and loving God to give us the insight into how to spread His Kingdom, especially in the troubled places of our world. Let us take the “human events” that fracture our lives and use them as a spring board to establish God’s Kingdom by inviting others to enter into a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

May this Lenten Season bring you challenges that strengthen your faith; a time to renew your commitment to Christ. May we celebrate the Easter Mystery with those who join us in our faith; dedicated to bringing more friends to Christ.

Blessings of the Paschal Mystery to you and all you love.

De Colores, Fr, Gary