From Nick Lang:
De Colores to you Cursillistas!
It has been a long time since I’ve had the privilege to write an article for the “Evangelizer”. Last October I responded to Father Gary’s request to consider being Lay Director for Cursillo in our diocese. I held this honorable position from 1996 to 1999 and understood the amount of work it involves. After numerous prayers and discussions, I accepted the offer and was voted into office in November. I sincerely appreciate all the hard work that Pat Cates devoted to the office even as she battled some serious cancer and its treatment.
So here we are living through another precious Lenten Season. I pray that each of you has chosen your personal sacrifices. May I kindly request that you offer all of these as Palanca for our new Cursillistas as they begin their Cursillo journeys and for the Secretariat leaders. May your Lenten journey bring you to the full grace of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Morning.
For those of you starting your Cursillo journey, we sincerely and prayerfully welcome you to our community. I pray that you will find friendship groups soon and participate in the Ultreya nearest your home. Contact me or any of the secretariat officers if you require help getting started. We hope your recent experiences with Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout the weekend will enrich your spiritual life throughout your life.
To the rest of the fourth day community, I ask your help in examining where we are and what we must do to grow our community. Feel free to call or e-mail me with any suggestions.
God Bless, Nick