School of Leaders – June 2017

School of Leaders – – The What of What??

My name is John Schaberg – I began my journey at Belleville Men’s #30 (2010), and I sat at the table of St. Guiseppi Moscati.

First and foremost, I would like to extend my thanks, and the gratitude of the School of Leaders and the 4th Day Community, to my predecessor, Terry Kostel. He served with great love as Chairman of the School of Leaders for his 3-year term, ending March 31. He brought his creativity, compassion, his great ability to listen, and fantastic organizational skills to this Chair. Big shoes to fill!

Second – – School of What? I said at the Reunion that this part of the Cursillo Movement should be named after something that attracts people, not those two unfortunate words, “School” and “Leaders.” I mean, the “of” part is OK, but the rest of the name needs to go! I suggested “Shareholders Meeting” or “School of Followers,” but let’s face it – – it could be “Flock of Sheep,” or “Focus Group” or “Jam Session.” Or “Finger Painting for Christians” – – a time to use our creativity, sense of wonder, and curiosity about why we are here, harkening back to when life was FUN! Jesus wants us to enjoy life, by loving and by using our talents as God intended, in loving service to our neighbors, our friends, our families, to Him.

We held our first meeting of the “School” on May 9th, and we opened the floor to any and all ideas for the next 3 years. I want to be sure the School of Leaders does what it’s supposed to do, to give direction and energy to the Cursillo Movement in the Belleville Diocese. We had some great suggestions, and we shared many loving thoughts for our Movement. I have some work to do – – pray, study, and take action!

It’s going to be wonderful to serve this Movement and to do my small part in the mission of the holy, catholic and apostolic church – – Worship, Formation, Outreach – – Piety, Study, Action. I am really, really looking forward to the challenges of bringing Christ to my environment, and to the Chair which has been passed to me.

Please join me and the other faithful 4th Day travelers who guide the Belleville Cursillo community. As of now, we are meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 7:00 pm at St. Joseph’s Parish Center in Freeburg. Next meeting is June 13th. We are open to suggestions, or invitations, to meet at Murphysboro, Mt. Vernon, Du Quoin, or Mt. Carmel. We need your support and sponsorship to have a Traveling School!

If you envision yourself serving on the Team someday, or if you see yourself as a faithful member of a Friendship Group, you belong in the School of Leaders. If you are searching for Action, or a way to Study, or an opportunity to explore “spiritual aids to nurture your vital union with Christ” (Piety – see your little blue Group Reunion card), then the School of Leaders is the place for you. We would like to learn from you. Romans 1: 12:What I mean is that both you and I will be helped at the same time, you by my faith and I by yours.”

De Colores and Peace!

John I Schaberg