Category Archives: Home

Lay Director – June 2017

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Dear Cursillistas,

With all the crops showing their heads in our farm fields, one’s mind is led to think about a great harvest in the fall. Our spirituality also leads our hearts and minds to remember the great harvest our Lord is expecting from us Catholics and especially his Cursillistas. The harvest is great but the workers are few.

Now is the time for you to MAKE A FRIEND, BE A FRIEND, AND BRING YOUR FRIEND TO CHRIST. So, so many times our Lord and our beloved Popes have said “Be Not Afraid.” Step up to the plate and be a sponsor for your dear friends and family members. If asked to be on the Cursillo Weekend as a team member, say yes to all the work and palanca that is required. Work for the Lord so that He may have a great harvest. You will be bringing Him the fruit He desires.

We also have many jobs to be filled on the working side of the Cursillo management team. Your talents and skills are really needed at this time. Please attend the School of Leaders and the Secretariat meetings to learn where you could fit in. Usually these positions take less than 2 -3 hours a month. We are also in need of representatives for each parish.

May God bless you with a great spring and summer,

Nick Lang (618-213-6391)

Welcome to Belleville Cursillo!

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In His Hands - Color III

The Belleville Cursillo Movement serves the Diocese of Belleville, IL.

Cursillo is a movement within the Catholic Church that with God’s grace enables the Christian person to become aware of their potential and while accepting their limitations study their faith, live their faith more fully, and share their faith.