Daily Archives: September 1, 2016

School of Leaders – September 2016

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Our Daily Manna

During our faith journey there are many times we find ourselves struggling with our faith because of how difficult it is to follow God’s word and be what he created us to be.  The Bible is full of ordinary people whom God has called.  Which of them, in their power, their resources, or their ways had what was required to do what God called them to do?… Not one!

As we are called, we should refuse to focus on what we are not, what we can’t do, or do not know.  We need to, “Rely on God’s power, his resources, and his ways” – Christine Cain.  We should center our thoughts on who Christ is in us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.

Matthew 7:7-11 tells us, “Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.  For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.  Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for bread, will give a stone?  Or if the child asks for a fish, will give a snake?  If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!”

The apostle James asks Jesus what’s going to happen tomorrow – James 4:14.   The length of our lives is like a fog, here for a little while and then vanishes.  God gives us each day, one at a time.  If we think about it…today is all we have because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.

We are reminded as we pray the Lord’s Prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread” – Matthew 6:11.  Not tomorrow’s bread or next week’s bread.  God is a daily provider who provides for our needs today.

As with the manna, called the “bread of angels,” God provided for the children of Israel in the wilderness.  God’s instructions to Moses, was for the people to gather it every morning.  He further warned them not to attempt to hoard it or store it overnight in any way, because if they did, the stored manna would breed worms. They were only to gather as much as they would use on any given day.

Like some of us today, there were those that paid no attention to the restriction, and tried to gather more than what was needed for the day, so they could store the extra away for the next day or two.  After all, what if God didn’t show up with manna tomorrow?  I mean, when it comes to food and survival, you can never be too careful, but we can be short on faith.  As a result, when the disobedient Israelites looked at their stored manna the next day, it was as God had warned them, horrible, rotten, and full of worms.

So, what is the lesson here? God is a daily provider. He provides for Monday’s needs on Monday, and Tuesday’s needs on Tuesday. We are to trust Him one day at a time and not become anxious over what we may require tomorrow. He will be there tomorrow as well, with more than enough grace to help us in our time of need.

Final Thought: “There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.”  C. S. Lewis

Lay Director – September 2016

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Dear Brother and Sister Cursillistas,

Your Secretariat has been hard at work for the well-being of Cursillo within our diocese.

At our last meeting, with input from the School of Leaders, we elected Laura Veach to be the Chairperson of the Precursillo Committee as of the close of our meeting in September.

We sincerely THANK Margie Reaka for her long dedicated service.

Assistant Rector and Rectoras were selected for the 2017 Weekends. Margie Reaka will be the assistant for the Women’s team; while Garry Range will be the same for the Men’s Weekend. Further, the 2017 teams have received all of the necessary materials to begin their preparation for two great weekends.

We received a great report on the Spring Encounter of Region IV in Louisville, KY from Linda Bagsby. Most interesting is that there will be a “Cursillo de Cursillo” conducted in a nearby location within a year. This three day weekend is for us older Cursillistas to reignite our flame of love for our Lord.

Another big task is the reorganization of Cursillo within our diocese. We need to have parish representatives willing to work with the Secretariat to advertise our presence, to purify and complete our records, and to reawaken many Cursillistas whom we have not seen in many years. If you are willing to help in this effort, please contact me at 213-6391 or nplang415@gmail.com.

May God richly bless you in works for His kingdom,

Nick Lang

Spiritual Director – September 2016

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We just celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption, honoring our Blessed Mother, believing that God raised her body and soul into the Kingdom thus avoiding the corruption of the grave. As I compose this missive, I have just finished celebrating the first school Mass of the year, welcoming and praying that God’s Holy Spirit might be with teachers and students in this new school year. So, in theory the hot and humid days of summer should be drawing to a close. But then we live in Southern Illinois and anything weather-wise is possible.

But one thing is now going to take place.  Now that school has started, parishes will again begin gearing up for the many activities that occur during these next months. Youth groups will ramp up many activities, religious education will go into full swing and most parishes will again be looking seriously at inviting folks to join us in the Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. The downtime of summer is being replaced with excitement of this “new year.”
So, what are you going to do at this time of year to increase your Piety, Study and Action? Is it maybe time to start grouping after having been away for a while? How about going to the School of Leaders to learn more about the Cursillo Movement? If my parish, or a neighboring one, offers some form of adult continuing education, will I work at fitting it into my schedule? Will I take a serious and prayerful look at making a retreat? Will I join others at Adoration or a Rosary or a Divine Mercy prayer group? Will I look to the Church or some other charitable organization at which I could volunteer some time to be of service? Piety, Study and Action were not just talks you heard on the Cursillo weekend. If you add generosity to that list you have the four pillars that Matthew Kelly says are necessary to be a dynamic Catholic.

And a big issue that faces us this fall will be the election of our next President. Are you prayerfully seeking God’s help and the insight of the Holy Spirit in making your decision?

So, this becomes a busy time of year following the lazy days of summer.  It is my hope and prayer that your summer gave you some time for relaxation – a time to recharge batteries. Now I pray that our good and gracious God of Mercy will bless you with the grace you need to live out your call to be a child of God – a disciple of Jesus Christ.

De Colores,

Fr. Gary