Lay Director – September 2016

Dear Brother and Sister Cursillistas,

Your Secretariat has been hard at work for the well-being of Cursillo within our diocese.

At our last meeting, with input from the School of Leaders, we elected Laura Veach to be the Chairperson of the Precursillo Committee as of the close of our meeting in September.

We sincerely THANK Margie Reaka for her long dedicated service.

Assistant Rector and Rectoras were selected for the 2017 Weekends. Margie Reaka will be the assistant for the Women’s team; while Garry Range will be the same for the Men’s Weekend. Further, the 2017 teams have received all of the necessary materials to begin their preparation for two great weekends.

We received a great report on the Spring Encounter of Region IV in Louisville, KY from Linda Bagsby. Most interesting is that there will be a “Cursillo de Cursillo” conducted in a nearby location within a year. This three day weekend is for us older Cursillistas to reignite our flame of love for our Lord.

Another big task is the reorganization of Cursillo within our diocese. We need to have parish representatives willing to work with the Secretariat to advertise our presence, to purify and complete our records, and to reawaken many Cursillistas whom we have not seen in many years. If you are willing to help in this effort, please contact me at 213-6391 or

May God richly bless you in works for His kingdom,

Nick Lang