In March, we held our Men’s and Women’s Cursillo Weekends, which were wonderfully led by Gary Range and Margie Reaka. On April 14th the Teams, the new Cursillistas and many of the 4th Day community came together for a Cursillo Reunion which was held at the Guild Center at Our Lady of the Snows. We look forward to our next event, a Day of Recollection, which will be held at Sacred Heart Parish in Du Quoin, Illinois, on Saturday July 14, 2018. Put this date on your calendar and let’s look forward to a great turnout.
Unusual but true! We do have a waiting list for next year’s Cursillo weekends. Laura Veach, our Pre-Cursillo Chairperson, has candidates that were unable to go this year on the waiting list for the next Cursillo Weekend. This is the first time in recent memory that we have had a waiting list for Cursillo. The fact that we have a waiting list, as well as a number of other potential candidates, is a reminder that it is not too early to start thinking about your invitees to the Cursillo Weekends in March 2019. Get your applications completed and submitted to Laura as soon as possible. I will not be surprised if we again receive more applications than we have space available. We should be talking with potential candidates now.
De Colores!
Bob McCormack