By now, I believe many of our Cursillistas have heard that changes are being made to our Cursillo program in the Belleville Diocese. Some of these changes have been promulgated by the National and Regional Offices and some are changes which we are making at the local Diocesan level.
First, we had a large number of women applicants for the Spring Cursillo Weekend who were unable to attend, so the Secretariat has elected to hold a Cursillo for Women at the King’s House in Belleville on October 24-27, 2019. We are currently in the planning stages for that Cursillo. We have also discussed moving the regular Cursillo Weekends to the fall to avoid problems with the Lent and Easter activities of the Church in the spring and possibly to a new location. These changes are still under consideration, so a final decision has not been made.
Second, we have the Step-by-Step Manual changes, which will affect our Weekend schedule and the Rollos. We have a team, led by Cheryl Rajski, in the process of methodically going through the changes promulgated to us through the National Cursillo Office and modifying our local program and schedule. These changes will affect the Weekend schedule, the Closing, and the presentation of the Rollos.
Change is a difficult thing to deal with sometimes. I ask everyone to reserve their opinion on these changes until we know exactly how the changes will affect our Cursillo program in the Belleville Dioceses. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we are going forward with a positive attitude to accommodate these changes into our local program.
Love, Joy, Peace, and De Colores!
Bob McCormack