Lay Director – September 2017

My Dear Sister and Brother Cursillistas,

This will be my last article in the Evangelizer as my term comes to an end at the Secretariat meeting on Sept 26.  It has been a true blessing for me to have been of service to you and our Lord as we progress on our “Cursillo Journeys” in His wonderful church using the methods of Cursillo.

There is much work yet to be completed; however, I am very confident that your Secretariat and School of Leaders will be working hard to spread our message and to keep our many friends active on their journeys. Cursillo is in need of many workers; so please consider joining the teams, attend the School of Leaders and attend the secretariat meetings.

I thank each of you for all your support over the past three years and know you will support your new Lay Director, Bob McCormack.

Nick Lang (618-213-6391)